2011 YAMAHA SCORPIO-Z Modifications

2011  YAMAHA SCORPIO-Z Modifications
YAMAHA SCORPIO-Z Modifications
2011  YAMAHA SCORPIO-Z Modifications
YAMAHA SCORPIO-Z Modifications
2011  YAMAHA SCORPIO-Z Modifications
YAMAHA SCORPIO-Z Modifications
2011  YAMAHA SCORPIO-Z Modifications
YAMAHA SCORPIO-Z Modifications

Tips and How To Modify Yamaha Scorpio Z

The consequences of the use of plates is very clear, it takes a long time to process. For example, yes the Scorpio-Z. To work on the tank and the stern, it takes 2 months.

The tank was taken from the Honda Tiger Revo. "The total is still only need one third the size of the sheet plate 1 meter square," said Henry. For its muscular, started the center to the back of the cut-out. The remaining connected with a plate that has been formed.

To the stern of the motor, manual process without a mold so that it can produce a compact design. In fact, pull the line and curve is perfect. "Several times I failed to make the perfect shape. More than one sheet of plate (to) get to the appropriate shape," recalled owner of the motor that uses a modification of the plate is 0.8 mm.

When the body requires a period of two months, on the contrary, to redesign the framework was more rapid. Pemodif admitted it took two weeks to re Destroy. Basic chassis made ​​from a round plate that consists of two different types of diameter. For the main frame, use a diameter of 4.2 inches, while the chassis side, like a trellis, use 3.2-inch diameter

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