2009 Kawasaki KZ 200 Modifications

Kawasaki KZ 200 Modifications
Kawasaki KZ 200 Modifications 

Black Hawk chopper club Batavia (BHB) does not stop innovation. Life members, including easily bored. One design style never enough and wanted always changing. "Indeed! I'm bored with the style of it-that mulu. These bikes never had a ol skool style Choppers-traditional, "open Baox owners as well as life member of this club from Jakarta.
Imagination then play. He opened a few references to the world builder qualified. Style Jesse James (West Coast), listened to, Indian Larry Gasoline Alley, still adhered to the ol skool. Billy Lane from Chopper Inc. genah still lacking. "The work of Jesse Rooke be a source of inspiration this time," open the brother who had just turing into Cilacap met brothernya.

Design made ​​in Tita Somi Custom (TSC) is enjoyable. As typical Rooke, TSC forward ol skool style low rider sport mixed shades era board track first.

The result, though ol skool, formation of motor pro-street close to the horizontal. Rake targeted according to the standard KZ 200. Sure it's just the outline. Details put forward is the construction of the chassis is made of handmade and eye cathing.

Airs next do not use a leaf as modifier KZ 200 never tried another. "Applications for the sake of convenience ass mountain bike. When looking for quasi-motor, no one is as short as this, "certainly a hope that does not mean Baox drunken.

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