2011 Yamaha Jupiter MX Modification White Gold

2011 i Jupiter MX Modification White Gold
Jupiter MX  Modification White Gold
Seeing it from far abroad we will admit the side to know if this bike is a Yamaha Jupiter MX. But what makes her cute is the luster of gold that involve multiple genital anatomy to attend 'attention Yamaha Jupiter MX in 2006 that the custom with a minimalist abstraction of anatomy habits affected, Although there is no acute change in the engine, the anatomy looks abundant, this is such an enticement to attract the eye to glance at him. Capacity left foot forward shades of gold like chrome Gazi blubbery Up Side Down Fork and discs and calipers Kitaco 4 agents. For advanced drum anchor and is still the original model application.

2011 i Jupiter MX Modification White Gold
Jupiter MX  Modification White Gold

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